Anhedonia: Depression, Addiction, and Schizophrenia.

Anhedonia: Depression, Addiction, and Schizophrenia.

Image result for dopamine

You must be thinking what the fuck is Anhedonia? To put it simply, its the lack of dopamine that is being produced in the brain. In many cases, animals and people don’t produce enough dopamine so they would lose interest in food, favorite activities, and etc.

Dopamine is a pleasure chemical in the brain that makes us give our attention to things that give us pleasure. Its the reason why people are addicted to drugs, sugar, and smokeing. These things just produce a bunch of dopamine that makes us run back to these habits.

But what does this have to do with schizophrenia and depression? Well as you recall, Anhedonia is the lack of dopamine. Which means people with depression in lack of the right chemicals to produce dopamine and therefore are sad and people with schizophrenia have no ability to produce dopamine which produces the lack of controlling a few motor functions and causes uncontrollable tremors.

Dopamine is essentially the key function for well functioning normally, but too much dopamine can create life threating habits. So how do we get in the middle? Well, sadly if you have schizophrenia or depression it’s a disease that has to be treated with medical advice. Medications won’t solve these cases but it will sure help. Secondly, Addictions are pure willpower to overcome. It’s a daily thing to take our life back.

In all honesty, living a healthy life where you are working out, drinking a shit ton of water, and indulging less on the things that kill us are the key to a healthier life. Some of us are lucky and some of us are a little bit less fortunate than others. The ones who are lucky better appreciate the good health and the other who are less can learn valuable life-changing things through their journey. Remember life screws us all, but if we can keep moving and think for a better future you already have the potential to beat the odds.